Project Management App

Appsheet app to be used for creating, scoping, and managing projects.

This app allows users to create new projects, apply scoping activities automatically based on the project type, and manage the end to end delivery of the project.

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Users are able to first create a new project and fill out relevant project details (Customer, Status, Complexity, Start Date, End Date, Contract Vehicle, Billing Type, Project Description, Budget Details, Hours Allocated, as well as attaching any relevant documents such as the Statement of Work). Once the project is created, an appscript will trigger which will automatically populate project activities (scope items based on project type), project deliverables, and necessary project roles. After these child records are created, users are able staff the project based on employees skills and availability and then begin the project management process. Project Managers can add risks and issues to a project, manage these accordingly, track deliverables based on customer acceptance, and finally close out the project at completion.
